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Latest news and tips about hypnosis


How you can change limiting beliefs with hypnosis

Who does not know it? Every day, our minds are buzzing with thoughts that influence our emotions and actions. Many people are not aware that they are using their potential with...

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ChiroTrance Hypnosis - relaxation and healing without words

In ChiroTrance hypnosis, the client is treated completely without words. The trance induction as well as the treatment takes place exclusively through the hands of the hypnotherapist. Thereby the...

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Dissolve fear & phobias naturally and sustainably with hypnosis

There are so many kinds of fears and phobias. Some are afraid of buttons or raw meat. Still others have a panic fear of snakes or spiders. Furthermore, also...

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Tips & Tricks

7 tips for better sleep

More than a third of the Swiss population suffers from problems falling asleep or sleeping through the night. The reasons are manifold. One of the main causes is daily stress. Stress goes hand in hand with...

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Losing weight starts in the head

Lose weight healthily and maintain your desired weight in the long term? Is this also possible without a growling stomach or attacks of ravenous hunger? Yes - with cause-oriented hypnosis! During the...

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Live hypnosis on Radio 24, Zurich

On September 8, 2021 I was allowed to visit the sympathetic presenters Nina Roost and Dominik Widmer from the "Ufsteller" team in the radio studio. We have a live hypnosis with Nina for the treatment of...

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