Lose weight healthily and maintain your desired weight in the long term? Is this also possible without a growling stomach or attacks of ravenous hunger?

Yes - with cause-oriented hypnosis!

During hypnosis, your brain is particularly receptive. This is an optimal condition to replace old, unhealthy eating habits with new behavior patterns. For example, during hypnosis we can anchor in your brain a healthy, balanced diet or, for example, regular exercise instead of a desire for sweets.

By means of cause-oriented hypnosis, we can also uncover and resolve a mental imbalance. Because more and more often we eat out of frustration, boredom, loneliness or stress. Our thoughts constantly revolve around food, calories or our own weight. The frustration and disappointment are enormous when the yo-yo effect occurs after losing weight. Exactly these causes and blockades are dissolved in the hypnotic relaxation condition, which prevented the healthy removing and the durable holding of the desire weight so far. The wonderful thing about this is that there are no negative side effects such as ravenous hunger or the feeling of abandonment.

A study at the University of Tübingen compared how hypnotherapy compares to diets. The study showed that hypnotherapy had a positive effect not only on weight and body fat, but also on general health and significantly improved the quality of life. Source: https://www.institut-fuer-hypnose.de/abnehmen/studie-der-uni-tuebingen/

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