Who does not know it? Every day, our minds are buzzing with thoughts that influence our emotions and actions. Many people are not aware that they unconsciously and unnecessarily limit their potential with negative beliefs. Beliefs are called so because you believe in them and they influence your actions. However, these beliefs do not correspond to the truth, but they are learned or acquired beliefs. Often the origin lies in childhood.

For example, these may be the following beliefs:

  • Others are much better than me
  • I can not do it
  • I do not deserve this
  • Always these negative things happen to me
  • I am just too stupid for that
  • I am not beautiful
  • etc

There are countless other examples. Please do not underestimate the power of your thoughts, because they work both ways. Negative or limiting beliefs keep us from being happy. In addition, our potential cannot be fully developed. On the other hand, positive beliefs can really inspire us and spur us on to peak performance.

As the famous American writer and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson so beautifully said, "Man is what he thinks all day long."

It is never too late to question your own thoughts and beliefs. Are there, at best, entrenched, negative beliefs? If so, then I have good news for you. Hypnosis is the ideal way to transform these beliefs into positive ones and to anchor them in your subconscious. Why hypnosis? In the relaxed state of hypnosis you have a wonderful access to your subconscious. Since our beliefs operate in the subconscious, you can reprogram them directly there. Experience shows that this can be done very quickly and efficiently in the state of hypnosis.

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